Testamentary/Bequest Gifts

With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to family, friends or Explore More Discovery Museum. A bequest gift can be a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar amount or the balance/residual of your estate. A charitable bequest is an easy way to make a significant, enduring impact. A bequest may be made in your will or trust and directs a gift to Explore More Discovery Museum. The tax benefits of a bequest can vary based on the size of your estate, but no matter the size, a bequest gift will leave a lasting legacy.


These vehicles allow you to make charitable giving plans for your estate that can be deducted now! Consult your tax advisor for more information on how you can save now and help benefit the mission of Explore More Discovery Museum.

A charitable remainder trust provides for a specified distribution, to one or more beneficiaries (one or more must NOT be a charity). The distribution must be paid at least annually for life or for a term of years. An irrevocable remainder interest to be held for the benefit of, or paid over to, one or more qualified charities. 

A charitable lead trust (CLT) is often referred to as a charitable remainder trust in reverse. In a CLT, the charity leads off by receiving an income interest for a certain period of time, after which time, non-charitable beneficiaries receive the remaining trust principal.

Life Insurance Beneficiary

Name Explore More Discovery Museum as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy. Like any beneficiary, the charity will receive the proceeds of your policy upon your death.