Maker City: Showcase #6

Makers showing off their cardboard armor creations.

Makers showing off their cardboard armor creations.

Making helmets is hard work!

Making helmets is hard work!

In March, Maker City offered a Cardboard Armor workshop, where young makers learned about the history of armor, its construction, and how real armor is made. Using the laser cutter and hand tools, young makers were able to construct helmets, shields, axes, daggers, and more out of cardboard, and then decorate them to suit their tastes.

Testing the fit of armor.

Testing the fit of armor.

Watching and learning during the armor workshop.

Watching and learning during the armor workshop.

Building yarn handles for cardboard daggers.

Building yarn handles for cardboard daggers.

Don’t miss out!

Join us for the next Maker City Workshop.

Maker City: Showcase #5

Naomi and a friend working on their nickel hockey board.

Naomi and a friend working on their nickel hockey board.

The February Make with MTC Carpentry Workshop allowed makers to assemble their own nickel hockey board.  Using a sample as a guide, they screwed pilot holes for screws, colored hockey guidelines on the board, and built a frame for the edge of their hockey board.  After all the assembling and building, the students were able to play nickel hockey!

Beginning the assembly process.

Beginning the assembly process.

Making the guide holes for the screws.

Making the guide holes for the screws.

Cutting wooden corners for the frame.

Cutting wooden corners for the frame.

Now that the frame is assembled, the last step is adding the screws!

Now that the frame is assembled, the last step is adding the screws!

Don’t miss out!

Join us for the next Maker City Workshop.

Maker City: Showcase #4

Shoe designs from the makers.

Shoe designs from the makers.

The January Shoe Making workshop taught students how to create a flat pattern, sew complex curves, and how to size shoes.  Young makers mounted soles to their shoe uppers to create moccasin-style shoes, and then were free to decorate to their heart’s’ content!

Preparing the uppers.

Preparing the uppers.

Sewing a show together.

Sewing a show together.

Getting some help on the sewing machines.

Getting some help on the sewing machines.

Almost ready!

Almost ready!

Waiting for shoes to dry and cure.

Waiting for shoes to dry and cure.

Don’t miss out!

Join us for the next Maker City Workshop.

Maker City: Showcase #3

Melanie pouring wax into styrofoam cup molds

Melanie pouring wax into styrofoam cup molds

Take a look at our last workshop!

Hillary and Jacob making a teacup candle

Hillary and Jacob making a teacup candle

Maker City braved the cold November air to make candles for chilly autumn nights.

Using different cups made clean and rigid candles, while using the sand as molds made the possibilities endless!

Carmen with her sand-mold style candle

Carmen with her sand-mold style candle

Anna and Madison designing their candle molds

Anna and Madison designing their candle molds


Don’t miss out!

Join us for the next Maker City Workshop

Maker City: Showcase #2

Daniel pre-folding before assembling

Daniel pre-folding before assembling

Shailoh’s finished mask

Shailoh’s finished mask

In October, Maker City hosted a workshop dedicated to making Pepakura Masks.

Jackson painting his modified, gladiator bird mask for the JMU football game

Jackson painting his modified, gladiator bird mask for the JMU football game

Hillary, Anna, and Emma gathering supplies

Hillary, Anna, and Emma gathering supplies

Emma mixing paint for her fox mask

Emma mixing paint for her fox mask


Don’t miss out!

Join us for the next Maker City Workshop

Maker City: Showcase #1

Samuel’s Zip-Line Pulley

Samuel’s Zip-Line Pulley

September at Maker City finished on a high note. The Zip-Line Challenge proved a worthy experiment and inspired rather sculpturesque pulley solutions. While stop motion captured some intense story lines about… Santa Claus?

Tess and Trista at the Stop Motion Station

Tess and Trista at the Stop Motion Station

We can’t wait to see what you make next weekend!

Anna working on a Portable Ping-Pong Set

Anna working on a Portable Ping-Pong Set

Adding final touches to the Ping-Pong Paddle

Adding final touches to the Ping-Pong Paddle

Tess making Buttons

Tess making Buttons

Samuel’s Robotic Arm

Samuel’s Robotic Arm