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Marbles come in all different sizes and colors, but they are all round and perfect! How do they get that way? Watch this VIDEO of how marbles are made to find out!
Watch Ms. Melanie test out the marble run that she built! Then, build your own marble run and check out all of the fun marble activities below.
Here are the rules for playing a traditional GAME of MARBLES. If you want to explore more, here are also other variations you can try!
Here is another game you can make and play. Just ROLL the MARBLES and see who can get the most points!
It’s fun to roll a marble through a maze. Try these horizontal maze making activities and see if you can solve them with your marble.
Marble runs are vertical mazes that use gravity instead of tilting to move the marble. These runs can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be. Here are a few suggestions for making your own at home!
You can also make art with marbles! You can make a painting by rolling them on a FLAT SURFACE or try using a CLOSED CONTAINER. Either of these methods are sure to be great fun and give you a gorgeous piece of art when you are finished.
Watch this video and then try your own TRANSFER OF ENERGY experiment using marbles!
This is a different kid of marble race! EXPLORE DENSITY by measuring how quickly marbles can move through different liquids.