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Keeping our hands clean is more important than ever! This ACTIVITY will show you how easily germs are spread and why using soap is so important to getting our hands as clean as possible!
What do you think might happen if you put a bar of IVORY Soap (important not to use any other type of soap, MUST BE IVORY) in the microwave for a bit? Make some predictions and try this EXPERIMENT.
The animals in our stories today like to get muddy, but they have to get clean again, too. You can also have fun getting your toy ANIMALS GET DIRTY, too. Just make sure to scrub them up spic and span afterward!
After listening to the Mrs. Wishy Washy story above, cut out these STORY CARDS and use them to retell the story over and over again!
Mrs. Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley
Germs Are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick
This CATCHY TUNE will show you the proper way to wash your hands so that they are clean and ready for play!
What is your favorite bath time toy? Ernie’s is his RUBBER DUCKY. Listen along to find out why he loves him so much!
Now that your clean hands are ready for play, try out some of these CLAPPING GAMES with your family. They are sure to have everyone singing and laughing together!
Turn up the volume and have a dance party to this classic tune by Bobby Darin-- SPLISH SPLASH I WAS TAKING A BATH.
We do need to be careful about washing our hands and staying healthy, but it’s equally important to go out and get dirty and messy! Tell your parents to read THIS ARTICLE about the health benefits of playing in the mud, and then ask them to help you make some mud pies!!
It’s even more fun to wash your hands with this SOAP DOUGH that you can easily make with just a couple of ingredients from your kitchen!
What’s more fun than blowing bubbles through a straw? Making art with those bubbles! This LINK will tell you how!