VIRTUAL SCHOOL + Exploring All Day Long!  

Spring Session: March 22 - June 9
Monday - Friday | 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Grades 1 - 5

We are excited that your child will be joining us for the Explorers Academy. There are 16 children in the program and this feels like the perfect number for our space. In every situation, our decisions will always ensure the safety and well-being of participants and staff! 

First, we will prioritize each child’s virtual school assignments and assist as needed. To be clear, we will not be developing curriculum but are here to support the instruction that their teachers are providing. Our adult-to-student ratios will ensure that we can be very attentive to student needs. Just as important, we are dedicated to enhance learning and will provide a variety of educational activities and enrichment throughout the day. Cooking, making, art, robotics, science, and all things STEAM! We have close relationships with our local schools and realize that student schedules may not be consistent. We will individualize daily schedules to ensure that children are engaged at all times.

Each day will include gross motor activities and we’ll also provide outside time unless the weather is severe. We don’t mind cold weather or few raindrops!

The Details

Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM (start time may change to accommodate synchronous learning schedules)
Grade Levels: 1 - 5
Cost: Members $235 per week
Payment Options: Please set up your weekly recurring payment option below. After we’ve received your first weekly payment as deposit, we will pause payments to restart on the second week of your child’s attendance at Academy.

Parents will need to provide:
A packed lunch and snacks
Refillable water bottle
School issued computer

See safety guidelines below (also included in participation waiver).


Here are details and steps we are taking to help prepare children and families for a safe school year experience.

BEST PRACTICES (based on CDC best practices)

1. The Museum will be completely sanitized prior to each session.

2. Staff members and students will wear masks during the day. At times when campers are working independently or having snack/lunch and spaced more than 10 feet apart, we will give the opportunity to take mask breaks while also emphasizing proper procedures for putting on and taking off masks. Staff will wear masks at all times.

3. Hand washing/sanitizing will take place between activities.

4. Activities will be planned to promote social distancing and limited sharing of materials. Each child will have their own kit of freshly sanitized supplies that they will use for the week.

5. If other activities take place within the facility, students will never be in those locations. We are creating a cohort of students and they will not be in situations where others are in the mix.

6. Parents will be asked to complete a waiver of participation.

7. Upon arrival, children will have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer. We will also ask parents to ensure that they can answer NO to the following questions: Has your child or anyone in your household had a temperature in the last 24 hours; experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms; suffered from a chronic cough; tested positive for the COVID-19 virus or been around anyone that has tested positive?
Museum staff will also be asked to answer these questions and will have temperatures taken daily, prior to the start of the workday.

Please feel free to contact us with schedule changes, questions, or ways we can provide the best possible experience for your child.