Open Make — Explore More Discovery Museum

Hours of Operation: Open Tuesday from 10 AM - 6 PM and Wednesday - Saturday from 10 AM - 5 PM. See Maker City schedule (youth 8+) and make reservations HERE.

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Open Make

Calling all makers 8+...
Here is your chance to explore and create in Maker City. We have the place, materials, and bring your ideas!

If youth makers have not previously visited the space, they will be provided with a quick intro to Maker City. This will include the code of conduct. The Maker City supervisors will ensure that participants have been properly trained before allowing access to some of the available equipment. Number of participants will also be limited by staff and there may be some wait time before entering

A parent waiver is required for student participation. You can download and bring along to your first visit. We will also have these available at the front staff desk. Makers can stay in Maker City without parent supervision once signed in but should be available to sign out their child when they are ready to leave. Makers may not leave Maker City without their caregiver.

Earlier Event: October 17
Open Make
Later Event: October 17
Open Make