““When you invest in the children’s museum, you are investing in someone who can make the world a better place – maybe for YOU!”
Corporate and individual supporters provide 40% of the Museum’s annual operating budget, helping us to provide quality, education programs while keeping our admission rate the lowest for children’s museums in the state of Virginia.
By the Numbers:
Target audience: children ages 1–12 and their families/caregivers
Monthly free admission events and scholarship memberships; 12% of admissions are sponsored
Museum admission fee is among the lowest of 7 children’s museums in Virginia
60% earned income (admissions, membership, field trips, birthday parties, programs and store), 40% contributed income (donations, grants and sponsorships)
Over 250 volunteers give approximately 10,000 hours to support the museum anually
Future Workforce:
Rich learning environment promotes problem solving, creativity and teamwork
SOL-based field trip programs extend classroom instruction
7,500 annual field trip visits (regional audience includes Augusta, Shenandoah, Page, West Virginia)
Teen volunteer/youth development programs
College/university student internships and practicum experiences
Local experts who share their knowledge and skills to instruct, create or maintain exhibits
Economic Development:
Major attraction in downtown; 35% of children’s museums are keystones in community revitalization projects
Member of Association of Children’s Museums, a national organization that markets Explore More across the United States
Area businesses promote the museum as a valuable educational and cultural resource when recruiting new employees to the Valley.
The museum regularly shares its organizational story with visiting groups such as VA Main Street, university alumni associations, civic clubs and state leadership conferences.
Grown-ups like to play too! Fundraisers provide a unique opportunity for business and community leaders like you to support Explore More’s mission while having fun. To sign up, go to the FUN-raisers page.
First Fridays Free and special free admission days ensure that all children and their families have access to education programing. 2nd Saturday activities or recurring weekly drop-in programs are free with paid admission or membership. Fields trips, after-school classes, or summer camps provide in-depth, interactive experiences with museum educators.
For more information, contact Trisha Blosser:
Over 12% of admissions are sponsored, making Explore More accessible to all families. Help us increase that number by supporting scholarship memberships.
Research shows we learn best by doing. For children that means playing, exploring, and making their own discoveries. Exhibit sponsorships cover maintenance costs and the addition of new elements, while promoting your brand.
For more information, contact Trisha Blosser: