THURSDAYS, MARCH 3 - 24 / 4:00 – 5:30 PM

This class is for the Minecraft enthusiast who is ready to move beyond the basic game play and use computer programming to extend their experience. We'll use ComputerCraftEdu's Turtlebot mod to learn how to program on-screen robots to do Steve's work for him. Kids will use a visual editor and also learn the basics of the programming language LUA.

Cost: Members - $48.00; Visitors - $60.00


MAKERS (GRADES K - 5) - Class is Full
3RD WEDNESDAYS, FEBRUARY 17, MARCH 16, APRIL 20 / 4:00 - 5:30 PM

Explore More is part of the Maker Movement. Find out why it's so important to Design, Make, Play! 

This class is perfect for the aspiring inventor who loves to tinker and solve problems. 

  • Explore electronics with Little Bits, WeDo LEGO kits and Arduino.
  • Make motion machines and squishy circuits
  • Take apart electronics to discover what's inside
  • Invent something amazing on Duct Tape Day! 

Cost: Members $48.00; Visitors $60.00




YOUTH THEATER (GRADES 1 - 5) - Class is Full
TUESDAYS, FEBRUARY 2 - MARCH 22 / 4:00 – 5:30 PM

Scraps to Stage is an 8-week creative drama workshop designed to take children grades 1-5 through the process of reading and responding to familiar stories and then recycling those stories into new dramatic work. Instructor Leah Kirkpatrick will facilitate hands-on activities teaching the basics of character analysis, acting, theatrical design, and play writing. Students will develop their own short drama to be presented in a final showcase. Sponsored in part by the Arts Council of the Valley


THURSDAYS FEBRUARY 4 - 25 / 4:00 – 5:30 PM

This Thursday class series is designed for kids who want to learn about anatomy close up! Each class will include information about the organs and animals we are studying as well as a real hands-on dissection experience for each child! 

  • February 4: Grasshopper and Crayfish
  • February 11: Worms and Squid
  • February 18: Sharks and Fish
  • February 25: Frogs

Cost: Members $60.00; Visitors $75.00