TV STUDIO: AgeS 0-2 


What I'm learning

  • Physical Development:

I am learning how to reach and grab objects in order to move them.

  • Literacy and Language:

I am learning how to relate pictures to their corresponding words in the weather area. I am developing directionality (left to right) when reading.

  • Social Learning:

I am learning how to appropriately interact by observing others assume roles and play together. 

  • Reasoning and Problem Solving:

I am learning how to ask for assistance in accessing things that I may not be able to reach or achieve by myself.



Play & Learn Together:

  • Physical Development:

Help your child reach the weather magnets and headlines, ensuring full access to this exhibit’s experiences.

  • Literacy and Language:

Model how to use materials in the room to help your child feel more comfortable with doing so themselves.

  • Social Learning:

Point to objects and say their names to expand your child’s vocabulary and understanding.

  • Reasoning and Problem Solving:

Show your child how to see themselves on the green screen to help expand their sense of self-awareness.